Discover your Strengths


Are you embarking on a new challenge in your life? Maybe you’re starting a new job, graduating from school, or preparing for retirement. Take this opportunity to learn about yourself and your skills! I am a certified Clifton Strengths Coach, and can help you use your natural talents to become a more effective, accomplished, and happier you!


My Services

I work with students, professionals, managers, and teams to help them learn and appreciate their own Strengths, and to understand those of others. Click below to learn more about what coaching can do for you.

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What is Clifton Strengths?

Clifton Strengths is a personal development model developed by psychologist Don Clifton, who posed the question: "What would happen if we studied what was right with people versus what's wrong with people?"

Learn more about Clifton Strengths »

Any Questions?

Wondering about the Strengths-based approach, or want to know more about my pricing? Check out my Frequently Asked Questions page to get answers.



My Practice

I strive to help every client learn more about themselves and their skills, and translate those talents into personal and professional success.

Find out who you are and do it on purpose.
— Dolly Parton

Want Proof?

Click below to hear from clients who have seen the results from Strengths Coaching!