Frequently Asked Questions


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What is Clifton Strengths Finder?

Strengths Finder is a personal development tool developed by Psychologist Don Clifton. Supported by Gallup’s incomparable research, the Strengths method starts by taking the Strengths Finder assessment, and is amplified by receiving coaching. The basing formula of the Strengths approach is Talent x Investment = Strength. By investing time and effort in our natural talents, we become strong in those areas.

What is the objective of Strengths Coaching?

Strengths coaching helps clients to approach and execute the “investment” part of the Strengths equation. Coaching sessions help clients take ownership of their talents, and to use their Strengths purposefully to achieve a desired result.

Is coaching confidential?

Coaching conversations are kept private between a coach and their client. Details of coaching will typically not be shared with anyone unless a client specifically allows it. However, unlike conversations with a therapist or doctor, coaching conversations are not legally confidential.

How long is a coaching session?

Initial coaching conversations are typically between 1 and 1.5 hours, depending on the needs of the client. Team/business coaching sessions tend to last closer to 1.5-2 hours, depending on the size of the team.

How do you conduct a coaching session?

Individual coaching sessions can be conducted in-person if you are located in the New York City area, but more often are conducted over the phone. Team/business coaching is always conducted in-person.

Does coaching work?

Yes! According to data from Gallup, people who work from their Strengths are six times more likely to be engaged in their jobs, and to do what they do best each day. Folks who use their Strengths are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life. Workplaces who use a Strengths-based approach also report lower attrition rates and increased job performance.

What is your pricing model?

Coaching sessions start at $100, and typically increase with the more time or attention that a client requests. I do offer students a discounted price (available upon request). Team and business coaching prices are based on the team size.

What happens during a CONSULTATION?

During a consultation, I will discuss the client’s professional and personal background, along with their expectations for their coaching experience. We will decide together which type of coaching session works best for the client, and then schedule our first coaching session.

How do I get in contact with you?

Click on the blue button below, or the blue link at the top left of this page! Then fill in your contact information, and I will get back to you within one business day.